pepper n. 1.胡椒;胡椒粉;〔P-〕【植物;植物学】胡椒属。 2.刺激性;尖锐的批评。 3.暴躁,急性子。 4.〔美俚〕活力,精力;劲头;勇气。 white pepper 白胡椒。 beaten [ground] pepper 胡椒粉。 the Chinese [Japanese] pepper 秦椒。 the water pepper 蓼。 take pepper in the nose=grow pepper 发怒,动气。 vt. 1.加胡椒粉于;撒(胡椒),用胡椒调(味)。 2.乱发(质问、子弹);【美拳】接连速击。 3.〔罕用语〕嘲笑;痛骂;重罚。
Paul edgecomb tom hanks is the head guard on the green mile when a new inmate is brought into his custody : john coffey michael clarke duncan , convicted of the sadistic murder of two young girls . despite his size and the fearsome crimes for which he s serving time , coffey seems to be a kind and well - mannered person who behaves more like an innocent child than a hardened criminal . soon edgecomb and two of his fellow guards , howell david morse and stanton barry pepper , notice something odd about coffey : he s able to perform what seem to be miracles of healing among his fellow inmates , leading them to wonder just what sort of person he could be , and if he could have committed the crimes with which he was charged 绿里奇迹是发生在1935年美国不景气年代的路易斯安那州监狱,汤汉演的狱长保罗,已不知道送过多少个死囚走过这段路,但当他押著身高六尺五寸的黑人哥菲上电椅时,却有莫名的悲痛,哥菲被控虐杀两个十几岁的白人姐妹,但看似凶残暴戾的黑人大只佬,却是心地善良,胸无城府的大好人,而且他有神奇力量,用手一摸就能治疗绝症,通过心灵感应,保罗看到了真正的杀人凶手,但他却无力为哥菲翻案,因而难以释怀